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Jan. 25, 2016
  Town of Princeton, Mass. – Jan. 25, 2016 – 5 PM

5:05 PM  Meeting was called to order at the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Edith Morgan (after 5:15), Jon Fudeman, Stan Moss with T.A. Nina Nazarian.
Jon and Stan voted to accept the minutes of Jan. 11; Jan. 11 Exec. Session and Jan. 12. They also voted to sign a Used Car License Renewal (Class II) for Stephen Zottoli dba SZ Auto, 268 Worcester Rd. They signed Warrants FY’16 – 15. They also signed the warrant for the Presidential Primary coming on March 1. Town may be awarded a grant as part of “Buy Recycled” but needs a policy. Nina with the help of Terri Longtine found a template from West Boylston. The board voted all in favor to adopt a “Buy Recycled” policy.
        Group discussed Berube Food Trailer at Mechanics Hall. Nina, John Wilson, John Mirick and town counsel Judy Pickett had met previously to sort out issues around the mobile food service operation. Nina read a report from Atty. Pickett and outlined the conclusions. Issues such as procurement and leasing town land were noted, including research required from 1852 when the hall was conveyed to the town. John Mirick outlined zoning aspects and reported that the Planning Board is bringing some “housekeeping” articles for zoning to ATM, including one to correct the zoning map to reflect the narrative description in the zoning code, which puts Mechanics Hall in the Business District and not the R-A District as the map indicates. He said a site plan review would be required of the food truck, under “change of use,” to consider traffic flow and parking, trash, hours of operation etc. An RFP for using the site may be done anytime, and condition it on approval from voters at ATM. Stan asked about risk (of setting a precedent) for the town if others wanted to do something on town property, and John M. explained that the town is not obligated to allow someone to do something un-permitted just because another entity got away with it.
        John W. asked that town departments communicate better, as he should have seen the request to use the property first, so he could tell the applicant what steps to take. Charging rent cannot be determined until other issues are decided. It was agreed that town has to develop policy for vendors using town property and paying rent. Stan questioned when each step needs to be taken. John M. explained that as long as the selectmen are clear about dealing with the issue, it can wait until ATM before taking action, and he noted the town is not being exposed to risk because they have a plan to deal with it.
        Selectmen voted all in favor to authorize the T.A. to develop an ad hoc committee to craft a policy and procedure checklist for rental or use of town-owned property. The group would include reps from Board of Health, FD and Planning Board along with the T.A., town counsel and building inspector. Abutting homeowner Lise Ledoux asked about future expansion of the food truck, including Porta-potty, dumpsters and more picnic tables. John M. assured her that all these issues would be considered in the site plan review. It was previously reported by the Berubes that no such expansion was planned.
        The selectmen voted all in favor directing that the Berubes make no changes to the operation before the ATM while the BOS is allowing the current unpermitted use. Current photos of the site will be the benchmark for determining that there are no changes in the interim.
6:05 PM  An Annual Town Meeting draft schedule and budget calendar was distributed. And group discussed FY17 Budget Process as department budgets are due Tuesday, Feb. 9 and selectmen are asking for level-services budgets from all departments. There was discussion on the date for closing the warrant to citizens petitions earlier.
        Selectmen voted all in favor to set the deadline for citizen petitions for April 4.
6:15 PM  The budget for WRSD was discussed and Princeton has not yet done a revenue projection. School district representatives and the Advisory Board will be at the next BOS meeting.
Group discussed town accountant retirement/succession and Nina reported that she had inquired with other towns about the role of accountant and hours. With extra broadband budgeting and coordinating, the hours may be increased from the current 20 to 25 or no more than 30. The need for “flexibility” and seasonal flux in workload was noted, and Nina recommended a screening committee as applications start coming in.
        Selectmen voted all in favor to accept the T.A.’s recommended job description and job posting in the search for a town accountant before Janice Barrett retires in April.
        Nina reported that Highway Dept. bids for route 140 work will be posted on Feb. 3 and bid opening will be Feb. 24.
6:40  PM  Selectmen went into executive session. Stan moved and Jon seconded to go into executive session: in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21: Exemption Six - To consider the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property if the chair declares that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the public body as well as discuss non-union employee salary issues. Edith M. called for a vote and in roll call Edith voted “Aye,” Jon voted “Aye” and Stan voted “Aye.”  Edith then announced that the Board would enter into executive session to discuss the WRSD Lease Agreement for TPS and adjourn from executive session.

7:10 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn from executive session and regular session.

Respectfully submitted, Marie N. Auger, administrative assistant

BOS Referenced Documents:  Report from Atty. Judy Pickett; Annual Town Meeting draft schedule and budget calendar

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department